Ledger format
A cheatsheet by @rstacruz|Refreshed over 3 years ago.Refresh|View source on Github
2015/01/01 Pay rent
  Assets:Savings     -$300

First line

First line

2015/01/01 *       Pay rent       ; tagname:
^          ^       ^
Date       Flag    Description    ^ comment/tag

Balance assertion

Balance assertion

2015/01/01 Pay rent
  Assets:Savings     -$300 = $1200  ; assert there's $1200 left after


* cleared
! pending

Only relevant with --strict or --pedantic

account Expenses:Food
    note This account is all about the chicken!
    alias food
    payee ^(KFC|Popeyes)$
    check commodity == "$"
    assert commodity == "$"
    eval print("Hello!")
D $1,000.00     ; set default commodity

alias Cash = Assets:Cash

Y2015           ; set default year (you can use 01/25 as date after)