iOS Provisioning Profiles
A cheatsheet by @rstacruz|Refreshed over 3 years ago.Refresh|View source on Github

Types of profiles

Types of profiles

  • Development - deploy to an iPhone via XCode
  • Adhoc - deploy via
  • Appstore - only used for submitting to the app store



What Dev Adhoc Appstore
CSR file  
Device UDIDs  
Developers list    

Obtaining a CSR file

Obtaining a CSR file

Needed for Adhoc & Appstore builds.

  • Open Keychain
  • Keychain Access menu -> Certificate Assistant menu -> Request a
    • User email address is your email
    • Common name is your name
    • CA Email address is blank
    • Request is Saved to disk

Get the .cer files

Get the .cer files

Needed for Adhoc & Appstore builds.

  • in the iOS dev portal, go to Certificates, and download the certificate.
    Install it on the dev machine.

Obtaining device UDIDs

Obtaining device UDIDs

Needed for Dev and Adhoc builds.

  • via iTunes:
  • via XCode: cmd+shift+2 (Organizer), Devices

Don’t ever ask Xcode to Fix issue… for you.

Using a provisioning profile

Using a provisioning profile

No need to use .mobileprovision files since XCode 5.

  • Open the *.mobileprovision file using Finder
  • XCode Project -> Build settings tab -> Code signing section ->
    Provisioning Profile section
    • Set Debug to the development profile
    • Set Release to the ad-hoc profile

Building an .ipa (Adhoc or Appstore)

Building an .ipa (Adhoc or Appstore)

  • In the toolbar, select “iOS Device” as the target
  • Product menu -> Archive
  • In the Organizer (Cmd+Shift+2) -> Archives tab -> Distribute… button
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