Startup launch cheat sheet - ProductHunt, referral marketing, social media, events, partners, influencers, content marketing & more
Focus on building a list of people interested in your product idea.
You don’t need a fancy solution here, an Excel or Google sheet will do.
List down email addresses, LinkedIn profiles, phone numbers, etc…
As soon as you launch on ProductHunt, send traffic to it.
You can achieve this if you already have a pre launch list – send a message or email and request them to upvote it, or interact with your listing on ProductHunt.
Referrals from friends and family convert much faster
This tactic has been used effectively by the likes of Uber and Airbnb.
Referrals can also be incentivised with discounts.
Build a community around your brand or problem you are trying to solve.
Offer meaningful help to the people in that community and check the community rules before broadcasting your product.
Attend industry events, conferences and seminars.
Get the list of attendees and market to them on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or contact them personally on one of those platforms.
Think about what other non-competing products your customer uses.
Contact those companies and ask to partner with them by reciprocally sending and receiving some traffic (could be as simple as a Tweet).
Content marketing can be extremely rewarding but hard to execute.
Videos, infographics, and longer from blog articles, are particularly effective.
Currently, no other channel has the same ROI overall as influencers.
If you want to turbocharge your growth then spend time in finding out who your target audience follows.
TIP: Engage micro-influencers if you have limited budget. In many cases micro-influencers return higher ROI.
Growth Hacking for startups keeps evolving, just like your product and customer’s demands.
A good growth strategy should be continuously looked at, measured and refined.
The funnel doesn’t consider how customers can feed back into the funnel.
A flywheel on the other hand creates additional growth and engagement.
Experiment with lots of different tactics, but once you find methods that work, double down on those – repeat them, refine them, and remove all the friction so they can become a reliable way to continually bring in targeted traffic.