Cheatsheet's elements introduction

This is a reference of styles available for your cheat sheets.

A cheatsheet by @cheatcheetah|Refreshed about 3 years ago.Refresh|View source on Github

This cheat sheet contains examples of how differents markdown tags are rendered. For instance this is a regular text, not nested inside any headers tag.

If you want to see what the source of this

This is how a paragraph inside an h1 section is displayed.

If you slide your mouse on the title above, you’ll see that you can copy a link to that section.

Some text inside h2.
Note that this h2 has the {: .-three-column} options set.

I’m a h3

I’m a h3

And I’m some text inside a h3. As you can see, everything inside an h3 is displayed inside a container.

Hey I’m a h3 too!

Hey I’m a h3 too!

Inside h3s, the main options are the following.

You can display lists:

  • Some …
  • … list …
  • … elements!

Or some code:

Some code

Finally, note that links are supported too.

… and me too!

… and me too!

I’m an h4

You can see that h4s are not used as containers, but as p with emphasis.

And that’s all you’ll need to create your own cheat sheets!